In The Eye of The Storm


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For years, a maxim of the United States Army was “Be all that you can be.” While that familiar slogan may sound simple, there is great depth to the meaning behind it. in Achieving Personal Greatness, Tim Lavender offers his definition of “personal greatness” through three basic laws, and then shares the seven guiding principles for achieveing it. His practical guide explores ten powerful keys for releasing you potential, including: Get Your Cart Before the Horse, Reach Inside the Invisible World, Embrace a Lifetime of Learning,, and Seek to Influence Rather than Control. Finally, Lavender shares te five commitments that are necessary for producing results.

For those desiring to explore their untapped potiential in all areas of life, Achieveing Personal Greatness is an ideal resource.


Author Max Lucado calls it “the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior.” Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down.

Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands.

If you’ve ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.

And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center — a place you can stand when your world gets windy. “The Eye of the Storm.”

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In The Eye of The Storm