Returning to the world of the ancient Greeks, inhabited by heroes like Achilles and Hercules, For the Immortal tells the true stories of two women – an Amazon and a Greek – who travelled to the ends of the earth and fought in the greatest wars the world had ever seen – whose heroic tales have continued to be remembered across the ages…
The Amazons are ruled by their queen, Hippolyta, and live on the farthest edges of the earth, fierce warrior women who ride to battle like men.
In Greece, the age of heroes has just begun. The hero, Hercules, has twelve labours to complete, set for him by the Greek Admete, and destined to be the subject of song for thousands of years to come.
But Hippolyta has a secret which she fears the Amazons will discover, which would doom her to exile forever… And when Admete orders Hercules to bring back Hippolyta’s war-belt, it is more than simply secrets that are uncovered. As Hercules and Admete journey to the ends of the earth and Hippolyta makes a choice that will change her life forever, the worlds of Amazons and Greeks will collide in a way that will set east and west raging against each other until, finally, they meet beneath the walls of the legendary city of Troy – in the greatest war of all time.
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