Watershed moments
Our lives consist of moments.? Stitched together like the seams on a coat, these moments cloak us in awareness and possibility.? But what if we miss our moments??? What if we live in a bland state of wandering?? Seeking growth, seeking passion?but missing the moments in which God tries to pull the thread through the cloth in the way we?ve dreamed of?
₦1,610 -
Where is your faith today?first sparks of faith, bright blue flames, radiating heat, raging bonfire, red-hot coals, cooling embers, cold grey ashes?? Is your love for God burning so brightly that you are consumed by its passion?? Are those who surround you drawn to its radiance and warmed by its heat?? Are sparks flying from you, spreading a wildfire faith that ignites passion in others?
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Pursued:Gods Divine Obsession With You
Christian faith isn’t blind obedience to a set of rules and regulations; it is entering into a relationship with a God who pursues us-not to punish, but to love. As the leader of Central Christian Church in the self-proclaimed “Sin City, U.S.A.,” Jud Wilhite has seen it all, and he knows that no matter how far someone has strayed from God, God always remains in passionate pursuit.
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The Holy Spirit Your Financial Advisor
Most people are cautious about any advice they receive concerning their finances. But what if that advice were to come from the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity? In The Holy Spirit, Your Financial Advisor, Dr. Creflo Dollar investigates what the Bible has to say about the role of the Holy Spirit in the area of making and keeping money and discovers some surprising truths.
₦2,800₦3,300 -
Do Yourself A Favor Forgive
Building on her signature message of using the mind to master difficult emotions, Joyce Meyer focuses on the most destructive, insidious one of all: anger. It is responsible for broken relationships, sleepless nights, high blood pressure and ulcers. It destroys friendships, marriages and families, not to mention peace of mind. Anger is especially hard to handle for many Christians who have learned from childhood that “good Christians don’t get angry.” Meyer argues that properly handled, anger is an alert system that something is wrong and needs to be resolved.
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A treasury of adoption miracles
#1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury delivers a collection of powerful stories which explore adoption from the perspectives of those who have experienced it from all sides. Inspiring and comforting, the greatest gift of these stories is in the encouragement they offer–through true accounts of adoption blessings–to anyone considering taking on the special role of an adoptive parent.
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8 Habits of love
A spiritual guidebook to living life through love and connection, not fear and isolation, by a respected pastor and a frequent guest on Oprah's Soul Series.
Reverend Bacon believes that every person can live a full and creative life if they can learn to move through troubling emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness to find the beloved within themselves.
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The leadership gap
A current deficit of needed leadership skills is a problem; a gap between current leadership bench strength and future leadership demands is a serious liability.
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letters to God
Letters to God: From the Major Motion Picture? March 3, 2010
This novel is inspired by the major motion picture, Letters to God, scheduled for theatrical release in spring 2010.
₦2,040 -
This companion guide to Steven Furtick?s life-changing Greater DVD will help you take the next step?and the ones after that?to follow Jesus?s call to do even greater things than He did (John 14:12).