• All the President’s Men

    It began with a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington DC, on 17 June 1972. Bob Woodward, a journalist for the Washington Post, was called into the office on a Saturday morning to cover the story. Carl Bernstein, a political reporter on the Post, was also assigned. They soon learned this was no ordinary burglary. Following lead after lead, Woodward and Bernstein picked up a trail of money, conspiracy and high-level pressure that ultimately led to the doors of the Oval Office. Men very close to the President were implicated, and then Richard Nixon himself. Over a period of months, Woodward met secretly with Deep Throat, for decades the most famous anonymous source in the history of journalism.

  • Outsider Inside

    …Outsider Inside offers a unique perspective on our Nigerian society and offers one of the more intelligent analyses of our culture and economy. Keith successfully demonstrates the idiosyncrasies and frustrations of our daily life, the pervasiveness of corruption in our society, while maintaining an optimistic and complimentary analysis of our people and our country… his book tells stories that all of us can relate to, whether we admit to it or not…

  • Tough Choices / A Memoir

    Behind the headlines, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard tells her own story, along with her unique perspective on leadership, technology, globalization, sexism, and many other issues.

  • The Billy Graham

    An updated account of the inspiring and influential life of Dr. Billy Graham When the hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, President Bush immediately proclaimed a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. For the interfaith, interdenominational service at the Washington National Cathedral he chose Billy Graham to give the address. At that terrible hour no other clergyman, whatever his office, could so aptly bring the Word of God to America?and a watching world. At eighty-four, Billy Graham remains one of the most respected people in the world today. He has addressed over eighty-two million people face to face and at least one billion people through television, radio, and satellite. Yet he is far more than an evangelist of integrity and vision; he is a Christian statesman whose profound influence on the growth and depth of Christianity across the world cannot be overestimated. This official biography of Dr. Graham is based on his private files, correspondence, and interviews, as well as the author?s widespread research. ? Written by John Pollock, Dr. Graham?s official biographer.

  • Are We the Turning Point Generation

    How Africa’s Youth Can Drive Its Urgently Needed Revolution.

    Why do many Nigerian leaders ?change? once in office? Will the present generation of Nigerians do any better than its predecessors? Was Occupy Nigeria indeed a failure? Do we need a ?Nigerian Dream?? Is ?One Nigeria? really worth it? These and many other difficult questions are raised in this thought-provoking collection of essays on the paradox that is Nigeria. Written with the keenness of youth but earnest and wise beyond its years, Are We the Turning Point Generation? will resonate with young Nigerians while remaining relatable to previous generations. This book embodies the voice of a new breed of Nigerians willing to take a stand and do things differently. Are We the Turning Point Generation? promises to inspire a new way of thinking, posing a challenge to Nigerians, young and old, to ?pick a spot, and start digging?!

  • Intervenions Volume Three- The Unappeasable Price Of Appeasement

    In his characteristically trenchant style, Soyinka analyses Nigeria’s current political scene and boldly lashes out at the salient issues, especially those that are fast ravaging the polity – religious violence, political intolerance,injustice and violation of human rights,child abuse and the growing spate of terrorism – the latest addition to the country’s string of horrors. The sense of outrage, conveyed in his uncompromising and unsparing use of language,and the instructive approach to delivery make this a must-read volume.

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