• The Big Short

    There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ market
    Globalization isn’t making the world richer
    We don’t live in a digital world – the washing machine has changed lives more than the internet
    Poor countries are more entrepreneurial than rich ones
    Higher paid managers don’t produce better results

    We don’t have to accept things as they are any longer. Ha-Joon Chang is here to show us there’s a better way.

    From the author of The Blind Side and Moneyball, The Big Short tells the story of four outsiders in the world of high-finance who predict the credit and housing bubble collapse before anyone else. The film adaptation by Adam McKay (Anchorman I and II, The Other Guys) features Academy Award® winners Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, Melissa Leo and Marisa Tomei; Academy Award® nominees Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling.


    When asked simple questions about global trends―what percentage of the world’s population live in poverty; why the world’s population is increasing; how many girls finish school―we systematically get the answers wrong. So wrong that a chimpanzee choosing answers at random will consistently outguess teachers, journalists, Nobel laureates, and investment bankers.

    In Factfulness, Professor of International Health and global TED phenomenon Hans Rosling, together with his two long-time collaborators, Anna and Ola, offers a radical new explanation of why this happens. They reveal the ten instincts that distort our perspective―from our tendency to divide the world into two camps (usually some version of us and them) to the way we consume media (where fear rules) to how we perceive progress (believing that most things are getting worse).

  • Public relations strategy

    This challenging book reflects the intense discussion that is taking place on the nature of public relations and its role in developing and supporting management strategy. It links models and theories of strategic management to the PR function and discusses how globalization and the Internet are shaping and changing organizational PR strategy.

  • Getting to yes

    Getting to Yes has been in print for over thirty years, and in that time has helped millions of people secure win-win agreements both at work and in their private lives.

  • Team Of Teams

    What if you could combine the agility, adaptability, and cohesion of a small team with the power and resources of a giant organization?

  • How to be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings

    Ambitious women are scary. In this fast-paced business world, female leaders need to make sure they’re not perceived as pushy, aggressive, or competent. In How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings, Sarah Cooper, author of the bestselling 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, illustrates how women can achieve their dreams, succeed in their careers, and become leaders, without harming the fragile male ego.

    Chapters include, among others, “9 Non-threatening Leadership Strategies for Women,” “Gaslighting for Beginners,” and “How to Be Harassed Without Hurting His Career”. It even includes several pages to doodle on while men finish what they’re saying. Each chapter also features an exercise with a set of “inaction items” designed to challenge women to be less challenging.

  • Whats The future and why Its Up To Us

    WTF? can be an expression of amazement or an expression of dismay. In today’s economy, we have far too much dismay along with our amazement, and technology bears some of the blame. In this combination of memoir, business strategy guide, and call to action, Tim O’Reilly, Silicon Valley’s leading intellectual and the founder of O’Reilly Media, explores the upside and the potential downsides of today’s WTF? technologies.

  • The One Device

    Odds are that as you read this, an iPhone is within reach. But before Steve Jobs introduced us to “the one device,” as he called it, a cell phone was merely what you used to make calls on the go.

    How did the iPhone transform our world and turn Apple into the most valuable company ever? Veteran technology journalist Brian Merchant reveals the inside story you won’t hear from Cupertino-based on his exclusive interviews with the engineers, inventors, and developers who guided every stage of the iPhone’s creation.

    This deep dive takes you from inside One Infinite Loop to 19th century France to WWII America, from the driest place on earth to a Kenyan pit of toxic e-waste, and even deep inside Shenzhen’s notorious “suicide factories.” It’s a firsthand look at how the cutting-edge tech that makes the world work-touch screens, motion trackers, and even AI-made their way into our pockets.


  • And The Weak Suffer What They Must

    In January 2015, Yanis Varoufakis, an economics professor teaching in Austin, Texas, was elected to the Greek parliament with more votes than any other member of parliament. He was appointed finance minister and, in the whirlwind five months that followed, everything he had warned about-the perils of the euro’s faulty design, the European Union’s shortsighted austerity policies, financialized crony capitalism, American complicity and rising authoritarianism-was confirmed as the “troika” (the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, and European Commission) stonewalled his efforts to resolve Greece’s economic crisis.

  • Truth

    True or false? It’s rarely that simple.

    There is more than one truth about most things. The Internet disseminates knowledge but it also spreads hatred. Eating meat is nutritious but it’s also damaging to the environment. When we communicate we naturally select the truths that are most helpful to our agenda.

    We can select truths constructively to inspire organizations, encourage children, and drive progressive change. Or we can select truths that give a false impression of reality, misleading people without actually lying. Others can do the same, motivating or deceiving us with the truth. Truths are neutral but highly versatile tools that we can use for good or ill.

  • Textbook of Wisdom

    Wisdom comes with living a long life, full of rich experiences and can’t be learnt, right? Wrong. In Textbook of Wisdom, author Edward De Bono explains how you do not have to have lived forever to benefit from the experience of those who have. Full of thinking tools, guidelines, and principles, this “textbook” encourages the use of values and emotions to guide you through life without allowing them to enslave you.

  • The Life Of Stuff

    Absolutely fascinating. She writes with admirable honesty It is a book I know I shall read again Ruth Hogan, author of The Keeper of Lost ThingsWhat do our possessions say about us Why do we project such meaning onto themOnly after her mothers death does Susannah Walker discover how much of a hoarder she had become. Over the following months, she has to sort through a dilapidated house filled to the brim with rubbish and treasures, in search of a woman she’d never really known or understood in life.

  • How Not To Be Wrong

    The math we learn in school can seem like a dull set of rules, laid down by the ancients and not to be questioned. In How Not to Be Wrong, Jordan Ellenberg shows us how terribly limiting this view is: Math isn’t confined to abstract incidents that never occur in real life, but rather touches everything we do—the whole world is shot through with it.

    Math allows us to see the hidden structures underneath the messy and chaotic surface of our world. It’s a science of not being wrong, hammered out by centuries of hard work and argument. Armed with the tools of mathematics, we can see through to the true meaning of information we take for granted: How early should you get to the airport? What does “public opinion” really represent? Why do tall parents have shorter children? Who really won Florida in 2000? And how likely are you, really, to develop cancer?

  • Cringeworthy

    Have you ever said goodbye to someone, only to discover that you’re both walking in the same direction? Or had your next thought fly out of your brain in the middle of a presentation? Or accidentally liked an old photo on someone’s Instagram or Facebook, thus revealing yourself to be a creepy social media stalker?

  • The Power of Moments

    While human lives are endlessly variable, our most memorable positive moments are dominated by four elements: elevation, insight, pride, and connection. If we embrace these elements, we can conjure more moments that matter. What if a teacher could design a lesson that he knew his students would remember twenty years later? What if a manager knew how to create an experience that would delight customers? What if you had a better sense of how to create memories that matter for your children?

    This book delves into some fascinating mysteries of experience: Why we tend to remember the best or worst moment of an experience, as well as the last moment, and forget the rest. Why “we feel most comfortable when things are certain, but we feel most alive when they’re not.” And why our most cherished memories are clustered into a brief period during our youth.

    Readers discover how brief experiences can change lives, such as the experiment in which two strangers meet in a room, and forty-five minutes later, they leave as best friends. (What happens in that time?) Or the tale of the world’s youngest female billionaire, who credits her resilience to something her father asked the family at the dinner table. (What was that simple question?)

  • And The Weak Suffer What They Must ?

    From the aftermath of the Second World War to the present, Varoufakis recounts how the eurozone emerged not as route to shared prosperity but as a pyramid scheme of debt with countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain at its bottom. Its woeful design ensured that collapse would be inevitable and catastrophic. But since the hurricane landed Europe’s leaders have chosen a cocktail of more debt and harsh austerity rather than reform, ensuring that the weakest citizens of the weakest nations pay the price for the bankers’ mistakes, while doing nothing to prevent the next collapse. Instead, the principle of the greatest austerity for those suffering the greatest recessions has led to a resurgence of racist extremism. Once more, Europe is a potent threat to global stability.
    Drawing on the personal experience of his own negotiations with the eurozone’s financiers and offering concrete policies and alternatives, Varoufakis shows how we concocted this mess and how we can get out of it. And The Weak Suffer What They Must? reminds us of our history in order to save European capitalism from itself.

  • The Anatomy of Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Business Planning

    ”The Anatomy of Business; A Comprehensive Guide to Business Planning”, dissects the entirety of business, drawing on multiple examples of global conglomerates to share untold secrets to building and running lasting business.

  • Jack: Straight from the Gut

    Nearly 20 years ago, former General Electric CEO Reg Jones walked into Jack Welch’s office and wrapped him in a bear hug. “Congratulations, Mr. Chairman,” said Reg. It was a defining moment for American business. So begins the story of a self-made man and a self-described rebel who thrived in one of the most volatile and economically robust eras in U.S. history, while managing to maintain a unique leadership style.

  • How To Fix Your Sh*t

    Do you dream of what you want to achieve in life – whether it’s setting up your own business, getting in shape, or writing a novel – but never seem to get round to actually doing it? Does now just never feel like a good time to start?

    In January 2015, Shaa Wasmund made a decision: to finally get what she wanted. 3 years after packing in her business (and her salary) to take the plunge, life is everything she hoped it would be. And she has discovered that the key to getting what you want is within easy reach. It’s all in the mind.

    In Want It? Get It!, entrepreneur and bestselling author Shaa Wasmund sets out her tried and tested methods for conquering fear and exploring new avenues of opportunity.

  • How to Argue with a Cat

    Cats are skilled manipulators who can talk you into just about anything without a single word (or maybe a meow or two). They can get you to drop whatever you’re doing and play with them. They can make you serve their dinner way ahead of schedule. They can get you to sit down right this instant and provide a lap. On the other hand, try getting a cat to do what you want….

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