• The Values Factor

    What is the most important step you can take to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of? You might think the answer is something like, start saving money, get a better job, find my soul mate, or improve my marriage.

  • The Great Investment

    Bishop T. D. Jakes, preacher, author, motivator, and entrepreneur, is one of the most respected and influential voices in the country today. Now, in The Great Investment, Bishop Jakes empowers readers by laying out the blueprint for balanced successful living.


    Harvey Mackay, one of the world’s best-selling motivational and business authors tells you why it isn’t so. He reveals anecdotes and secrets from some of the best and brightest headliners in our world today.

  • Why We Do What We Do

    If you reward your children for doing their homework, they will usually respond by getting it done. But is this the most effective method of motivation?

  • Mind is the master

    Mind Is the Master compiles Allen’s most celebrated books, along with little-known gems and posthumous works-such as Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success and Light on Life’s Difficulties-awaiting discovery by a whole new generation of readers.

  • Never split the difference

    After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a hostage negotiator brought him face-to-face with a range of criminals, including bank robbers and terrorists.


    ‘Empowers, enlightens and entertains with every sentence.’ Elizabeth DayWe all have difficult moments at work, times when we feel awkward, when our daily micro interactions make us uncomfortable, perhaps when we have to say no or assert ourselves in a way that makes us feel less like ourselves, less ‘sisterly’.Part self-help guide, part master class in survival skills for life and work, Lift as You Climb examines what sisterhood looks like these days, asks what you can do to make things better for other women and considers how to do that without disadvantaging yourself. It’s the ultimate confidence bible for women who want to plan a career in a fast moving world, but without leaving anyone else behind. And it addresses one of the biggest issues women face in the workplace – how to be ambitious without losing your sense of self. It must be possible, rightFull of tips, takeaways and invaluable insights, this is everything you need to know about making life better for yourself – without making it worse for others. Praise for How to Own the Room: ‘I recommend Viv Groskop’s How to Own the Room to anyone wanting more self confidence. Full of helpful concepts you can get your head round and embody. I’m finding it very useful.’ – Philippa Perry ‘Plenty of tips and tricks…


    When we talk to others, we assume that they are carefully weighing our words and arguments. But these are far from being the only factors that hold sway.

    In this groundbreaking new book, bestselling behavioural scientists Stephen Martin and Joseph Marks explore the eight powerful human traits that help determine whether what we have to say gets heard or lands on deaf ears. They show how seemingly irrelevant details about our demeanour influence others’ responses. They explain how trust is won, even when it may not be deserved. They show how the most trivial of signals – like the shape of our face, the shoes we wear or the car we drive – can influence how people respond to us.


    Charles Handy is one of the giants of contemporary thought. His books on management – including Understanding Organizations and Gods of Management – have changed the way we view business. His work on broader issues and trends – such as Beyond Certainty and The Second Curve – has changed the way we view society.

    In his new book, Handy builds on a life’s work to glimpse into the future and see what challenges and opportunities the next generation faces. How will people cope with change in a world where the old certainties no longer apply? What goals will and should they set themselves?


    Maria Hatzistefanis should know. Having spent 20 years building her own company (described by the press as ‘an overnight success’), she acknowledges how hard it is to keep going and find your motivation, especially in the face of self-doubt, rejection and unexpected setbacks.

    This punchy, easy to digest book spells out how to motivate yourself and harness your drive and energy to make things happen. With clear guidance, tips and celebrity stories throughout, Maria sums up her business secrets with three golden rules: set your goals; plot your trajectory; make it happen!


  • Six thinking hats

    YOUR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS DEPENDS ON HOW WELL YOU THINK Six Thinking Hats can help you think better-with its practical and uniquely positive approach to making decisions and exploring new ideas. It is an approach that thousands of business managers, educators, and government leaders around the world have already adopted with great success.


    In times of stress, we have a choice: we can retreat further into our isolated silos, or we can commit to “going higher together.”

    When external pressures are mounting, and employees are working from far-flung locations across the globe, says bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi, we can no longer afford to waste time navigating the complex chains of command or bureaucratic bottlenecks present in most companies. But when we choose the bold new methodology of co-elevation as our operating model, we unlock the potential to boost productivity, deepen commitment and engagement, and create a level of trust, mutual accountability, and purpose that exceeds what could have been accomplished under the status quo.

    And you don’t need any formal authority to do it. You simply have to marshal a commitment to a shared mission and care about the success and development of others as much as you care about your own. Regardless of your title, position, or where or how you work, the ability to lead without authority is an essential workplace competency.

  • Upstream

    So often in life, we get stuck in a cycle of response. We put out fires. We deal with emergencies. We stay downstream, handling one problem after another, but we never make our way upstream to fix the systems that caused the problems. Cops chase robbers, doctors treat patients with chronic illnesses, and call-center reps address customer complaints. But many crimes, chronic illnesses, and customer complaints are preventable. So why do our efforts skew so heavily toward reaction rather than prevention?

    Upstream probes the psychological forces that push us downstream—including “problem blindness,” which can leave us oblivious to serious problems in our midst. And Heath introduces us to the thinkers who have overcome these obstacles and scored massive victories by switching to an upstream mindset. One online travel website prevented twenty million customer service calls every year by making some simple tweaks to its booking system. A major urban school district cut its dropout rate in half after it figured out that it could predict which students would drop out—as early as the ninth grade. A European nation almost eliminated teenage alcohol and drug abuse by deliberately changing the nation’s culture.


    Several million years ago, natural selection equipped us with binary, black-and-white brains. Though the world was arguably simpler back then, it was in many ways much more dangerous. Not coincidentally, the binary brain was highly adept at detecting risk: the ability to analyze threats and respond to changes in the sensory environment—a drop in temperature, the crack of a branch—was essential to our survival as a species.

    Since then, the world has evolved—but we, for the most part, haven’t. Confronted with a panoply of shades of gray, our brains have a tendency to “force quit:” to sort the things we see, hear, and experience into manageable but simplistic categories. We stereotype, pigeon-hole, and, above all, draw lines where in reality there are none. In our modern, interconnected world, it might seem like we are ill-equipped to deal with the challenges we face—that living with a binary brain is like trying to navigate a teeming city center with a map that shows only highways.

    In Black-and-White Thinking, the renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton pulls back the curtains of the mind to reveal a new way of thinking about a problem as old as humanity itself. While our instinct for categorization often leads us astray, encouraging polarization, rigid thinking, and sometimes outright denialism, it is an essential component of the mental machinery we use to make sense of the world. Simply put, unless we perceived our environment as a chessboard, our brains wouldn’t be able to play the game.

    Using the latest advances in psychology, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, Dutton shows how we can optimize our tendency to categorize and fine-tune our minds to avoid the pitfalls of too little, and too much, complexity. He reveals the enduring importance of three “super categories”—fight or flight, us versus them, and right or wrong—and argues that they remain essential to not only convincing others to change their minds but to changing the world for the better.

  • Designing Your Work Life

    DESIGNING YOUR WORK LIFE teaches readers how to create the job they want—without necessarily leaving the job they already have.

    “Increasingly, it’s up to workers to define their own happiness and success in this ever-moving landscape,” they write, and chapter by chapter, they demonstrate how to build positive change, wherever you are in your career.

  • Think Like a Rocket Scientist

    A former rocket scientist reveals the habits, ideas, and strategies that will empower you to turn the seemingly impossible into the possible.

    Rocket science is often celebrated as the ultimate triumph of technology. But it’s not. Rather, it’s the apex of a certain thought process — a way to imagine the unimaginable and solve the unsolvable. It’s the same thought process that enabled Neil Armstrong to take his giant leap for mankind, that allows spacecraft to travel millions of miles through outer space and land on a precise spot, and that brings us closer to colonizing other planets.

    Fortunately, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to think like one.

  • The Power of Moments

    While human lives are endlessly variable, our most memorable positive moments are dominated by four elements: elevation, insight, pride, and connection. If we embrace these elements, we can conjure more moments that matter. What if a teacher could design a lesson that he knew his students would remember twenty years later? What if a manager knew how to create an experience that would delight customers? What if you had a better sense of how to create memories that matter for your children?

    This book delves into some fascinating mysteries of experience: Why we tend to remember the best or worst moment of an experience, as well as the last moment, and forget the rest. Why “we feel most comfortable when things are certain, but we feel most alive when they’re not.” And why our most cherished memories are clustered into a brief period during our youth.

    Readers discover how brief experiences can change lives, such as the experiment in which two strangers meet in a room, and forty-five minutes later, they leave as best friends. (What happens in that time?) Or the tale of the world’s youngest female billionaire, who credits her resilience to something her father asked the family at the dinner table. (What was that simple question?)

  • The Squiggly Career

    Careers are changing; they are no longer linear and there’s no such thing as a ‘job for life’. Squiggly careers, where people jump constantly between roles, industries and locations, are becoming the new normal.

    Squiggly careers are filled with opportunity and excitement, but they can also be ambiguous and overwhelming if we don’t know how to make the most of them.

    In The Squiggly Career, personal development experts Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis reveal 5 skills you need to master and teach you how to:

    · Identify your Values
    · Play to your Super Strengths
    · Address your Confidence gremlins
    · Design your support solar systems (Networks)
    · Explore your Future Possibilities

    Packed with insights about the changing-face of work, exercises to aid your growth, and tips and inspiration from highly successful people, this book will help you be happier, and ultimately more successful in your career.


    In Future-Proof Your Business, applied futurist Tom Cheesewright will reveal industry techniques and tools to help you:


    You want to go freelance. You want to make your career work for you, on your terms and determined by your own definition of success. You want autonomy, flexibility and variety.

    But where do you start?

    In The Freelance Bible, award-winning entrepreneur and freelancer, Alison Grade, guides you through absolutely everything that you need to know to start your successful self-employed life.


    It has never been a more challenging time for managers and leaders to maintain a happy, healthy workforce. The pace of change and increasing uncertainty in most industries has resulted in a rapid increase in stress and anxiety in the workplace, and most organizations are poorly equipped to respond to these challenges in a meaningful and supportive way.


    Are you struggling to juggle multiple projects? Do you often lose control of your budget? Does communicating your progress to the rest of your team cause you undue stress?

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