The novella centers around Miss Beauty Ugochukwu (aka Miss Bee) who makes herself approachable and trustworthy. Students see her as a friend and teacher. Some of her colleagues become jealous and call her names such as Miss Over Syllabus and Miss Pythagoras but she is not discouraged. Notable is her encounter with Madam Olufola whose only son, out of six, always bullies girls in Miss Bee’s class. The mother insults Miss Bee for punishing her son and attempts to slap Miss Bee. The school unjustly demonstrates that parents are indispensable while teachers are expendable. Miss Bee, however, is appreciated by many people.
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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
America’s Most Sought-After Executive Coach Shows How To Climb The Last Few Rungs Of The Ladder The Corporate World Is Filled With Executives, Men And Women Who Have Worked Hard For Years To Reach The Upper Levels Of Management. They’re Intelligent, Skilled, And Even Charismatic. But Only A Handful Of Them Will Ever Reach The Pinnacle–And As Executive Coach Marshall Goldsmith Shows In This Book, Subtle Nuances Make All The Difference.
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The Overload Syndrome
Anyone living in today’s society knows the struggle of trying to handle busyness. You feel tired, stressed, and burned out. These symptoms are signs that you’re suffering from the Overload Syndrome. This book of the same name examines where overload comes from and what it can lead to, while offering prescriptions to counteract its effects and restore time to rest and space to heal. Find the secrets of time management while examining your priorities and seeking God’s will.
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Final Dawn Over Jerusalem
Judgment is coming — and the road to this final event runs through Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Pastor John Hagee has long believed that the Holy Land holds the key to unlocking tomorrow’s secrets. Now with the current debate over the union of Jerusalem, our fate is once again tied to the future of the Jews. Our personal well-being, and the well-being of the United States, depends on understanding the secret of blessing or cursing the Jewish nation. The clock is running, and the four horsemen are preparing to ride. Final Dawn Over Jerusalem will map out the road ahead and show you how to equip yourself for the final moments of history.
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Enjoying Where You Are On The Way To Where You Are Going
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In The Eye of The Storm
For years, a maxim of the United States Army was “Be all that you can be.” While that familiar slogan may sound simple, there is great depth to the meaning behind it. in Achieving Personal Greatness, Tim Lavender offers his definition of “personal greatness” through three basic laws, and then shares the seven guiding principles for achieveing it. His practical guide explores ten powerful keys for releasing you potential, including: Get Your Cart Before the Horse, Reach Inside the Invisible World, Embrace a Lifetime of Learning,, and Seek to Influence Rather than Control. Finally, Lavender shares te five commitments that are necessary for producing results.
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The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day
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Take two
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