Its Your Time
Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Your best days are in front of you.
In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead. You may feel as though your struggles will never end, that things won’t ever turn around for you.
₦3,220 -
360 Degree Life
What if you only had a few days to live?
Would you love?
Would you laugh?
Would you give?
Would you live differently than you do right now?
–Billy Joe Daugherty₦4,500 -
WineWise is a must-have for anyone seeking the knowledge and confidence to select and enjoy great wines. It gives readers a basic introduction to wine: how to select different varieties and identify their flavors, how to read wine labels, and how to identify grapes from wine-growing regions all over the world. The interior features detailed maps, examples of wine labels, and hundreds of four-color photos. Chapters include Enjoying Wine, White Grapes, Red Grapes, Living with Wine, Wine and Food, and Wine in Restaurants, as well as chapters on wine-growing regions from France, Italy, and Germany to California and New York State to South America, Australia, Spain, and Portugal.
₦1,800₦2,300 -
When Your Child Is Ill
This work is a quick-reference home guide to children’s symptoms and their treatment.
₦2,000₦2,410 -
The Vegetarian Flavor Bible
Throughout time, people have chosen to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for a variety of reasons, from ethics to economy to personal and planetary well-being. Experts now suggest a new reason for doing so: maximizing flavor – which is too often masked by meat-based stocks or butter and cream.
₦4,800₦5,600 -
The Salt Book
People involved in such activities as lobstering, sea moss harvesting, and manning lighthouses discuss their lives in Maine and how they have changed over the years.
₦3,350 -
The Portable Pediatrician
Imagine you are up at three o’clock in the morning with a sick child. Wouldn’t it be nice to have expert advice readily at hand to help get you through the night? Encyclopedic in scope, THE PORTABLE PEDIATRICIAN features timely and practical information on every childhood illness and emergency, including when to call the doctor, what reassuring signs can help you know your child is okay, how to treat your child at home, and much more-all in a convenient A-to-Z format. Among the scores of topics covered:
₦3,300 -
The Fussy Baby Book
escribes the characteristics of a “high-need” baby, suggests ways to soothe a fussy child, and discusses nutrition, discipline, and communication.
₦2,550 -
Pregenancy Questions & Answers
Pregnancy is a time of enormous excitement, tremendous anticipation – and countless questions.
₦2,200₦2,935 -
How Not To Be A Dick
Essential (and emotionally intelligent) etiquette tips are packaged here alongside hilarious -Dick and Jane–style illustrations. Laugh and learn.
₦1,400 -
A Little Coures In Sewing
Simply everything you need to know to learn something new; a practical and inspirational course in learning how to sew
₦2,000₦2,470 -
7 Years Younger- The Anti Aging Breakthrough Diet
Get slimmer and younger in just 7 short weeks! Banish the wrinkles and the fat with this delicious and – yes! – proven-to-work big time weight loss plan for men and women. It’s built on the foods science shows deliver cutting-edge anti-aging benefits.
₦3,200₦3,800 -
Twaddle Tells Tales
All-new titles for this ever-popular collectable series of short stories for the younger reader. Each book contains 12 stories with clear text and illustrations throughout. Age 5-8
₦2,800 -
The Solomons Mines
king Solomon’s Mines tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is the first English adventure novel set in Africa, and is considered to be the genesis of the Lost World literary genre.
₦3,000 -
The Puffin Book Of Stories For Five Years Old
The Puffin Book of Stories for Five-year-olds edited by Wendy Cooling brings together stories perfectly suited for every five-year-old.
₦3,100 -
Sootys Big Magic Show
Izzy wizzy, let s get busy! Bring Sooty and Sweep to life in these fun interactive hand puppet books.
₦3,500 -
My First Picture Book Of Nursery Rhymes
A collection of 20 popular nursery rhymes, compiled and beautifully illustrated by Rene Cloke. For ages 2 .
₦2,200 -
Horrible Geography- Violent Volcanoes
A guide to volcanoes with the gritty bits left in!
₦3,400 -
Horrible Geography- Raging Rivers
Geography with the gritty bits left in! Where in the world can you: Peer over the edge of a roaring waterfall?