Achieving financial freedom is a goal for many people.
It generally means having enough savings, investments and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and families. It involves growing a nest egg that will allow us to retire or pursue the career we want without being under undue pressure to earn.
Unfortunately, many people fail to achieve this because they are burdened with increasing debt, financial emergencies and other issues that thwart our efforts at reaching our goals. Add to these such unexpected events like a pandemic, that overturned our plans and revealed holes in the safety nets we tried to weave for ourselves and families.
So many people also think that investing, saving or trying to meet financial goals requires a lot. The truth is that all you need is a plan as well as discipline and determination to follow the plan.
We all know that making an investment is an aspect of financial planning. Financial planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances.
You want to know more about investing, savings and expenses? Then you should read The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason.
Clason gave 7 simple rules of money.
1. Start thy purse to fattening. This means you should save money.
2. Control thy expenditures. Don’t spend more than you need.
3. Make thy gold multiply. Invest wisely.
4. Guard thy treasures against loss. Avoid investments that sound too good to be true.
5. Make thy dwelling a profitable investment. Own your home.
6. Ensure a future income. Protect yourself with life insurance.
7. Improve thy ability to earn. Work hard to improve your skills and ensure a future income because wealth is the result of a reliable income stream.
The Richest Man in Babylon proposes saving at least 10% of everything you earn. Don’t confuse your needs with your wants.
You cannot arrive at the fullest measure of success until you crush the spirit of procrastination within you.
The best time to start saving and investing is NOW.
Amassing wealth isn’t difficult but it has two preconditions.
1. You need to want money. You need to want it very much to improve your situation to the point of making it a priority. It cannot be mere wishful thinking. The desire has to be strong enough, that it pushes you to take actions.
2. You need to understand it. You need to understand how money works.
Fortunately, the basics aren’t hard to master nor have they changed in the last few thousand years.
And once you cut through The Richest Man in Babylon’s repetition you will realize it basically tried to answer three questions.
1. How can I acquire money?
2. How can I not lose my money?
3. How can I make money multiply?
Now you know these questions are fully answered in a simple and readable way in Clason’s writing, what are you waiting for?
Click the link below to get a copy and digest.
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Happy Reading!